Switzerland Approves Ban On Face Coverings In Public
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2021-03-17 17:40:11 UTC

Swiss voters approved a proposition Sunday banning facial coverings in
public. Niqabs and burqas, worn by almost no one even among the country's
Muslim population, will be banned outside of religious institutions. The
new law doesn't apply to facial coverings for health reasons.

Switzerland will join several European countries that have implemented a
ban on facial coverings, including France, Denmark, the Netherlands and

The new legislation was brought to the ballot through a people's
initiative launched by the nation's right-wing Egerkingen Committee, the
same group that led the charge to ban minarets over a decade ago, the
Swiss Broadcasting Corporation reported. In 2017, the group presented over
100,000 signatures to the government and demanded the issue be brought to
a national vote.

The Swiss government opposed the nationwide initiative as excessive and
argued such bans should be decided by individual regions, two of which
already have a "burqa ban" in place.

The ban barely passed a majority vote, with 51.2% of the Swiss voting in
support of the proposal. Only six of the country's cantons, similar to
states, voted against the proposition, according to the SBC.

One of the largest backers of the initiative was the nationalist Swiss
People's Party, which applauded the outcome of the vote and called the new
measure "A strong symbol in the fight against radical political Islam."

"The burqa creates a barrier between the person wearing it and the
environment and thus prevents integration into society," Swiss People's
Party President Marco Chiesa said in a statement.

Some feminist groups and progressive Muslims reportedly were supporters of
the initiative, arguing that full face coverings are oppressive to women.

Other groups felt the new restriction was Islamophobic and that women
should not be told what to wear.

The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland said the results were
"Islamophobically motivated."

"Today's decision is tearing open old wounds, expanding the principle of
legal inequality and sending a clear signal of exclusion to the Muslim
minority," the group wrote.

Researchers found that at most a few dozen Muslim women wear full face
coverings in Switzerland. About 5% of Switzerland's population of 8.6
million is Muslim, the BBC reported.

Swiss authorities now have two years to draft the legislation, according
to The Associated Press.
"LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
recover with no after effects.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
ballots. Report voter fraud: ***@mail.house.gov

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
2021-03-18 01:09:28 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
Swiss voters approved a proposition Sunday banning facial coverings in
public. Niqabs and burqas, worn by almost no one even among the country's
Muslim population, will be banned outside of religious institutions. The
new law doesn't apply to facial coverings for health reasons.
Switzerland will join several European countries that have implemented a
ban on facial coverings, including France, Denmark, the Netherlands and
The new legislation was brought to the ballot through a people's
initiative launched by the nation's right-wing Egerkingen Committee, the
same group that led the charge to ban minarets over a decade ago, the
Swiss Broadcasting Corporation reported. In 2017, the group presented over
100,000 signatures to the government and demanded the issue be brought to
a national vote.
The Swiss government opposed the nationwide initiative as excessive and
argued such bans should be decided by individual regions, two of which
already have a "burqa ban" in place.
The ban barely passed a majority vote, with 51.2% of the Swiss voting in
support of the proposal. Only six of the country's cantons, similar to
states, voted against the proposition, according to the SBC.
One of the largest backers of the initiative was the nationalist Swiss
People's Party, which applauded the outcome of the vote and called the new
measure "A strong symbol in the fight against radical political Islam."
"The burqa creates a barrier between the person wearing it and the
environment and thus prevents integration into society," Swiss People's
Party President Marco Chiesa said in a statement.
Some feminist groups and progressive Muslims reportedly were supporters of
the initiative, arguing that full face coverings are oppressive to women.
Other groups felt the new restriction was Islamophobic and that women
should not be told what to wear.
The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland said the results were
"Islamophobically motivated."
"Today's decision is tearing open old wounds, expanding the principle of
legal inequality and sending a clear signal of exclusion to the Muslim
minority," the group wrote.
Researchers found that at most a few dozen Muslim women wear full face
coverings in Switzerland. About 5% of Switzerland's population of 8.6
million is Muslim, the BBC reported.
Swiss authorities now have two years to draft the legislation, according
to The Associated Press.
The timing seems a bit odd with the World Health Organization mandating
masks for everyone during the Chinese Flu pandemic.
Remember: Everything Biden knows about being president was learned under
Barack Mugabe.

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter
fraud organization in the history of American politics." -Joe Biden

America is disintegrating in real time before our very eyes and the
world knows it. The only ones who aren’t aware of this are the woke
white leftists who are too obsessed with destroying Trump supporters to
notice that they overshot their target and instead destroyed the country.
